An introduction to hashes

If you’re somewhat familiar with ruby, there are good chances that you won’t learn anything new and exciting in this article. However, if you’re new to the language or just didn’t have time to take a look at ruby hashes yet, maybe you should continue reading.

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Oh Ruby, who are you trying to fool?

In every single languages that I know the existence, every arithmetic, bitwise and conditional operators are built-in and global keywords. Well, once again, Ruby had to do things differently. You might be surprised to learn that most ruby operators are not built-in keywords. Fine you’ll tell me… but what are they then?

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An introduction to code blocks

What is a code block anyway? Well, a code block is a chunk of code… that’s all there is to say about it. I know, this part is not really interesting. What IS interesting though, is that you can pass a block to a ruby function and then have this function call the block whenever it wants.

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